Day I
10:00-17:00: Sign in and Collect Conference
Day II
9:00-9:05: Opening Remarks
9:05-9:55: Keynote Speech I
9:55-10:45: Keynote Speech II
10:45-11:10: Group Photos, Coffee Break
11:10-11:50: Plenary Speech I
11:50-13:00: Lunch
13:00-15:15: Parallel Sessions
15:00-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-17:45 Parallel Sessions
18:00-20:00 Room: Award Banquet
Day III-pending
9:00-12:00: Parallel Sessions
14:00-18:00: Academic Visit
Safety Remind
Keep yourself and your belongings safe whilst travelling is
extremely important.
Remaining aware and staying vigilant could stop you from
becoming a victim of crime.
Thieves can use a variety of tactics and distractions to
relieve you of your personal items. Be mindful of your
belongings and where you leave them whilst travelling.
Open area, please pay attention to your financial security,
the conference committees will not be responsible for your
© ICPE 2020-2025-The 6th International Conference on Power Engineering. All rights reserved.