2020年电力工程国际会议 (ICPE 2020)
Accepted papers of ICPE 2020 have been
published in Energy Reports (ISSN:
2352-4847) Volume 7, Supplement 1.
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Opening and Speeches
本次会议由电子科技大学的胡维昊教授来会致开幕词, 广西大学的黎静华老师来会主持。
四位来自不同国家的IEEE Fellow教授做了大会报告, 分别为英国伦敦帝国学院 (Imperial College, London, UK) 的Bikash C. Pal教授; 加拿大魁北克大学三河分校 (University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Canada) 的Adam Waldemar Skorek教授; 新西兰奥克兰大学 (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)的Udaya Kumara Madawala教授; 美国得克萨斯农工大学 (Texas A&M University, USA)的Prasad Enjeti教授和Le Xie教授。与会专家就电力工程,可持续和再生能源方面最新研究研究成果进行分享与探讨。
Parallel Sessions, Session Chairs and Winners
Session 1: High Voltage Transmission
and Insulation Technology
Session Chair: Prof. Hui Hou, Wuhan University of
Technology, China
Title: An LED Driver Connecting a Nested-Type SC
Converter and an SI Buck-Boost Converter in Parallel
Prof. Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Session 2: Power Failure and Maintenance
Session Chair: Prof. Zhaoyang Fu, Northwestern
Polytechnical University, China
Title: A Strategy for Judging Real-time and Active
Reporting Outage Based on the Power Consumption Information
Acquisition System
Ms. Di Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Session 3: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Session Chair: Prof. Wanglok Do, Fukuoka Institute of
Technology, Japan
Title: Multi-objective Optimization Strategy of
Multi-Sources Power System Operation Based on Fuzzy Chance
Constraint Programming and Improved Analytic Hierarchy
Ms. Yuge Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Session 4: Power Electronics and Transmission
Session Chair: Prof. Zhongxian Wang, Heilongjiang
University, China
Title: DC Offset Elimination Method of Phase-Locked
Loop Based on Novel Generalized Integrator
Mr. Nanmu Hui, Shenyang University, China
Session 5: Energy and Electrical Equipment
Session Chair: Prof. Zhong Cao, Guangzhou University,
Title: Comprehensive Thermal Resistance Model of
Forced Air Cooling System for Multiple Power Chi
Mr. Hongyi Lin, Zhejiang University, China
Session 6: Electricity Demand and Market Strategy
Session Chair: Prof. Qingguang Yu, Tsinghua
University, China
Title: Multi-Area Joint Scheduling Model Considering
Peak Load Regulating of Nuclear Power
Mr. Zhi Cai, China Electric Power Research Institute, China
Session 7: Smart Grid and Management
Session Chair: Prof. Zhi Cai, China Electric Power
Research Institute, China
Title: An Improved Quasi-Type-1 PLL based on
Paralleled Filtering Stage
Mr. Xian Wang, Northeastern University, China
Session 8: New Energy Power Generation and Grid
Connection Technology
Session Chair: Prof. Qingguang Yu, Tsinghua
University, China
Title: Optimal Operation of Integrated Energy System
Considering Virtual Heating Energy Storage
Mr. Changming Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Session 9: New Battery and Energy Storage Technology
Session Chair: Prof. Dmitriy N Karamov, Irkutsk National
Research Technical University, Russia
Session CO-chair: Prof. Konstatntin V. Suslov, Irkutsk
National Research Technical University, Russia
Title: A MPC-Informed ECMS Based Real-Time Power Management
Strategy for Hybrid Electric Ship
Ms. Peilin Xie, Aalborg University, Denmark
Session 10: Energy and Power System
Session Chair: Prof.Giedrė Streckienė, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Title: Why Should the Automated Guided Vehicles’
Batteries be used in the Manufacturing Plants as an Energy
Ozan Yesilyurt, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
Engineering and Automation IPA, Germany
For more details, please download program
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