The annual conference ICPE 2021-The 2nd
International Conference on Power Engineering is to be held
in Nanning, Guangxi, China during December 09-11, 2021,
co-located with China Electrotechnical Society-Artificial
Intelligence and Electrical Application Professional
Committee 2021 annual meeting. It's sponsored by Science
and Engineering Institute, co-hosted by
Guangxi University, University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China.
2021年第二届电力工程国际会议 (ICPE 2021)
Accepted papers of ICPE 2021 have been
published in Energy Reports (ISSN:
2352-4847) Volume 8
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About the Conference
本次大会邀请到国内外专家学者与会报告。ICPE 2021邀请到广西大学的黎静华教授(电气工程学院副院长, IET Fellow)来会致会议开幕词, 电子科技大学的胡维昊教授(“智慧电力与能源研究所”所长,IET Fellow),杜月芳老师,广西大学的李佩杰教授来会主持大会。大会报告共有三位主旨报告教授,包括清华大学的何金良教授(IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, HPEM Fellow,清华大学电机系高电压与绝缘技术研究所所长),浙江大学的文福拴教授(IEEE Fellow,浙江大学电力经济及信息化研究所所长),华南理工大学的朱继忠教授(IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, CSEE Fellow),大会还邀请到两位邀请报告教授,分别为杨知方研究员(重庆大学)和覃智君副教授(广西大学)。会议报告聚焦电力能源行业,讨论最新研究新成果及理论。
Opening Remarks, Prof. Jinghua Li, Guangxi University, China (Vice Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, IET Fellow)
(电气工程学院副院长, IET Fellow)
Keynote Speaker I : Prof.
Jinliang He, Tsinghua University, China, IEEE, IET, HPEM
Fellow, Chair of High Voltage and Insulation Technology
Research Institute
何金良教授, 清华大学 (IEEE Fellow, IET
Fellow, HPEM Fellow,
Keynote Speaker II: Prof.
Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, China,
朱继忠教授, 华南理工大学(IEEE, IET, CSEE Fellow)
Keynote Speaker III: Prof.
Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China, IEEE Fellow,
Director of Zhejiang University-Insigma Joint Research Center for Smart Grids
文福拴教授, 浙江大学 (IEEE Fellow, 浙江大学电力经济及信息化研究所所长)
Invite Speaker I: Assist. Prof.
Zhifang Yang, Chongqing University, China
杨知方研究员, 重庆大学
Invite Speaker II: Assoc. Prof.
Zhijun Qin, Guangxi University, China
覃智君副教授, 广西大学
Best Presenters of Parallel Sessions
One best presentation were selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. They were awarded the certificate after the finish of sessions. They are:
Session 1: Power Dispatch and Management
E1206: Optimal Operating Regime for Electric Vehicle
Aggregator Considering Reserve Provision
Han Wang, Southern University of Science and Technology,
Session 2: Electrical Engineering and Automation
E1196: Model Parameter Identification for Scaled-Down
Analogous HVDC Transmission Lines using Broad Spectral
Response Analysis
Jinrui Tang, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Session 3: Mechatronics and Power System
E1138: Output Prediction of Alpha-type Stirling Engines
using Gradient Boosted Regression Trees and Corresponding
Heat Recovery System Optimization Based on Improved NSGA-II
Jiying Chen, University College London, United Kingdom
Session 4: Advanced Electronic Technology and Application
E1040: An extended Kalman Filter based SOC Estimation Method
for Li-ion Battery
Zhenjie Cui, University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China, China
Session 5: Smart Grid Control and Optimization
E1098: Microgrid's Multi-VSGs Cooperative Control Method
Based on Distributed Communication
Fujun Bao, China Electric Power Research Institute, China
Session 6: Electricity Demand and Market Management
E1365: Dynamic Pricing Based EV Load Management in
Distribution Network
Weile Kong, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Session 7: Electric Vehicles and Energy Engineering
E1299: Optimal Battery Sizing for a Grid-Tied Solar
Photovoltaic System Supplying a Residential Load: a Case
Study under South African Solar Irradiance
SandilePhillip Koko, Central University of Technology, Free
State, South Africa
Session 8: Clean Energy and Renewable Energy
E1025: Optimal Configuration of Park-level Integrated Energy
System Considering Integrated Demand Response and
Construction Time Sequence
Chang Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Session 9: Power Load Forecasting and Model
E1037: Mid-long Term Load Forecasting Model based on Support
Vector Machine Optimized by Improved Sparrow Search
Shuhui Yang, Guangxi university, China
Session 10: New Electrician Theory and Applied Technology
E1301: Design, Modelling and Analysis of a Novel
Hybrid-Magnet Variable-Flux PMSM with Variable
Series-Parallel Magnetic Circuit
Guangyuan Qiao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Session 11: Advanced Motor Design and Application
E1215: Magnetic Properties Optimization of Novel Composite
Magnetic Materials for HSPMSM with Novel Composite Rotor
Jinyu Yao, Shenyang University of Technology, China
Session 12: Generator and Power System
E1231: An Efficient Multidisciplinary Design Research for
the Integrated Low Speed Permanent Motor System Based on
Analytical and Numerical Hybrid Analysis
Bingchuan Xie, Shenyang University of Technology, China
Session 13: Energy Utilization and Development
E1102: Power Flow Analysis Considering Solar Road Generation
Bochen Shi, Guangxi University, China
Session 14: Grid Operation and Control
PEEE21-112-A: Impact Assessment of High Renewable Energy
Penetration on Frequency Stability in Peninsular Malaysia
Grid System
Kassim Mohd Nazri, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia
Session 15: Modern Power System Operation and Load
E1282: Load Forecasting Model Consisting of Data Mining
based Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm and Long Short-Term Memory
Jingfu Li, Chongqing University, China
Session 16: Intelligent Electrical Design and Control
E1232: Design Considerations of Asymmetric Step-Up/Down
Dual-Resonator Charger for Lithium-ion Battery Applications
Yubo Han, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China , China
Session 17: High-Voltage Power Transmission and Power
E1241: Transmission Line Fault-Cause Classification based on
Multi-View Sparse Feature Selection
Shengchao Jian, Guangdong University of Technology, China
Session 18: Power and Energy
E1303: Time-domain Continuous Power Flow Calculation of
Electricity-Gas Integrated Energy System Considering the
Dynamic Process of Gas Network
Zhaoliang Cui, Shandong University, China
Session 19: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
PEEE21-106: Copper Oxide Formations under Polymer Coatings
during Accelerated Thermal Aging
Lukas L. Korcak, Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland
Oral Flash Session 1: Power System Modeling and Control
E1325: Design and Parameter Analysis of an Improved
Pre-synchronization Method for Multiple Inverters based on
Virtual Synchronization Generator Control in Microgrid
Tian Ren, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Oral Flash Session 2: Power Electronics Technology and
E1359: An Online Resilience Assessment Method for Islanded
Distribution Systems Considering Uncertainty of Intermittent
RESs and Loads
Chaofan Lin, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Oral Flash Session 3: Electrical and Energy Engineering
E1005: A CNN-LSTM-LightGBM based Short-Term Wind Power
Prediction Method based on Attention Mechanism
Juan Ren, Economic Research Institute, State Grid Xinjiang
Electric Power Co., Ltd, China
© ICPE 2020-2025-The 6th International Conference on Power. All rights reserved.