The annual conference ICPE 2022-The 3rd International Conference on Power Engineering was planed to be held in Sanya, Hainan Province, China during December 09-11, 2022. However, due to the outbreaks and continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee decide to have the 3rd ICPE virtually.It's sponsored by Science and Engineering Institute, technically supported by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Politecnico di Milano, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Northeastern University, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, University of Ferrara, Horus University-Egypt, etc.
三届电力工程国际会议 (ICPE 2022)
Accepted papers of ICPE 2021 have been
published in Energy Reports (ISSN:
2352-4847) Volume 9
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About the Conference
The conference started on December 10 in the morning. The conference chair Prof. Weihao Hu from University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China gave us opening remarks. He expressed the sincere appreciation from the help of members from conference committee, reviewers, and workers. Thanks to their works, the conference could be held in good way.
There were three keynote speakers and three invite speakers
delivered speeches.
Prof. Kaushik Rajashekara from University of Houston
delivered speech "Current and Future Trends in Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell based Air Transportation, and the Role of Power
Prof. Jianxun Jin from Tianjin University delivered speech
"Superconducting Power Devices and Their Advantages for
Power Grids",
Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci from University of Bologna
delivered speech "Climate Neutral and Smart Cities: the
Potential of Renewable Energy Communities", Prof. Weijia
Yang from Wuhan University delivered speech " Flexible
Hydropower For Balancing Variable Renewables: Dynamic
Characteristics and Control", Prof. Xueqian Fu from China
Agricultural University delivered speech "Basic Theory of
Agricultural Energy Internet", Prof. Silvia Brunoro from
University of Ferrara delivered speech "Process Innovation
for Energy Efficient Building Deep Renovation".
Best Presenters of Parallel Sessions
The conference received about 300 submissions around the world, after several rounds reviewing from review committees, there are about 120 papers accepted for presentations, which are divided into 15 oral sessions. The topics including transmission system and protection, micro grid and smart grid, electronic system model and reliability evaluation, design and control of intelligent electrical equipment, fault detection and diagnosis, power system monitoring and control, motor structure design and optimization, load forecasting and calculation in power system, electromagnetic theory and electric vehicle driving technology, power demand and market analysis, distribution network operation and dispatching, motor system model and control, clean energy and power generation technology, new battery and energy storage technology, and integrated energy system and optimization.
One best presentation were selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. They were awarded the certificate after the finish of sessions. They are:
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