Advisory Chairs
Akshay Rathore, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
(IEEE Fellow)
Zhe Chen, Aalborg University, Denmark (IEEE Fellow)
Alberto Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy
(IEEE Fellow)
Zhixin Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
(PES Member)
Conference General Chairs
Daogang Peng, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
Weihao Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(Director of the Intelligent Power and Energy Research Institute, IEEE Senior Member)
Jun Xiao, Tianjin University, China (IEEE Fellow, Vice Chair of the IEEE PES Distributed Energy Resources and Distribution System Planning Subcommittee)
Conference General Co-chairs
Hui Chen, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
(IEEE PES China Technical Committee - Internet of Things and Control Subcommittee Director)
Adam Waldemar Skorek, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Canada
(IEEE Fellow)
Program Committee Chairs
Wenping Zhang, Ginlong Technologies Ltd., China
Xiaodong Li, Macau University of Science and Technology, China
(IEEE Senior Member), IEEE Macau Section Treasurer)
Bo Hu, Chongqing University, China (IEEE Member)
Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan (IEEE Member)
Zhi Cai, China Electric Power Research Institute,
Program Committee Co-chairs
Heng Chen, North China Electric Power University, China
(Director of the IEEE PES Smart Grid and New Technology Committee)
Bowen Zhou, Northeastern University, China
(Member of the IEEE PES Transformer Committee in China region)
Yuefang Du, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(IEEE Member)
Yulong Che, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
Jinrui Tang, Wuhan University of Technology, China
(IEEE Member, IEEE PES PSIM New Sensor
and Monitoring Technology Subcommittee Director)
Siyang Liao, Wuhan University, China (Deputy Secretary-General of the IEEE PES China Energy Storage Integration and Operation Technical Subcommittee.)
Women in Engineering (WIE) Chairs
Jinghua Li, Guangxi University, China
(Deputy Secretary-General of the IEEE PES China Region New Energy Power System Scheduling and Operation Subcommittee)
Hui Hou, Wuhan University of Technology, China
(Executive Director of the Sub-Committee on Digital Grid Security Technology, IEEE PES Digital Grid Technology Committee (China))
Hongyan Luo, Northeastern University, China
(Director of the IEEE PES Power & Energy Society Committee on Smart Grids and New Technologies Sub-Committee on Smart Grids and Artificial Intelligence)
Local Organizing Committee Chairs
Fei Xia, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China (IEEE Member)
Yu Wang, Fudan University, China (IEEE PELS Fudan Student Branch Advisor)
Xianchao Xiu, Shanghai University, China (IEEE Member)
Jun Liang, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
Publicity Chair
Figen Balo, Firat University, Turkey
Benjapon Chalermsinsuwan, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Umarin Sangpanich, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Nawaf Hazim Saeid, University of Technology, Brunei
Mohd. Rafi bin Adzman, Universiti Malaysia Perlis,
Publication Chairs
Tao Shi, Nankai University, China
Yanping Feng, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China
Financial Chair
Jun Gao, Fudan University, China
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